Order of appeal of decisions taken by results of consideration of appeals


Article 12. Appeal of decisions by results of consideration of appeals the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 12 January 2007 # 221 - III. "On the procedure of consideration of physical and legal persons"


Make complaints against actions (inaction) of officials and decisions of the subject is fed a higher official or entity in the chain of command no later than three months from the time when the person or entity became aware of the action or decision by the relevant entity or official. Missing the appeal deadline is not a reason for entity or official to refuse to consider complaints. The reasons for missing the deadline are ascertained during consideration of the merits and can become the grounds for denial of the appeal.


In the absence of a superior officer or entity or applicant does not agree with the decision the application is submitted directly to the court.


The procedure for submission and consideration of complaints against actions (inaction) of officials, as the acts (decisions) of state bodies established by Law of the Republic Of Kazakhstan "On administrative procedures".



Article 17. Appeal of the decision on the outcome of the citizen Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27 November 2000 No. 107-II

"On administrative procedures"


1. The decision on appeal may be appealed by the Complainant to the higher public authority (superior official) or court.


2. The procedure for submission and consideration of complaints against actions (inaction) of officials, as also the acts (decisions) of state bodies are established by this Law.