Esmagambetov Bolat Eshmagambetuli
Born in 1934 in the village Gamesuper February 23, Ruzaevsky area Kokchetav region in the family of rural workers. Parents engaged in different work in the collective farm named after the 15th anniversary of Kazakhstan.
He was brought up along with six young sisters and brothers with a 75 - year - old grandfather.
He received primary education in a collective farm school, secondary education in a boarding school.
In 1953 he enrolled in the Karaganda mining Institute now Polytechnic Institute, from which he graduated in 1958 with a degree in mining engineering.
The direction worked in the coal mine "19th basic" trust "Lingual". In 1960 the order of the combine "Karaganda ugol" was transferred to mine No. 101, in consequence mine "Sokolska", as a automation engineer, where he worked as a mechanic of the area, Deputy chief engineer, Chairman of the trade Union Committee of mine.
In 1973 he was elected Vice-President of the Executive Committee of Saran city Council of deputies. He was repeatedly elected Deputy of the
Council of people's deputies.
In this position he worked for 17 years and in 1991 moved to the mine "Sokolska" as assistant Director of the mine.
In 1996 he was transferred to the adviser of mayor of Saran city. In 1999, elected Deputy of the city maslikhat Saransk at the first session of Secretary of the city maslikhat.
In 2003, the newly elected Deputy Secretary of the city maslikhat of the third convocation.
Awarded the order "badge of honor", "miner's glory" 1 and 2 degrees, the medal "For labor", "Veteran of labour", Honorary diplomas of the ministries and departments.
For valiant labor medal "Eren enbegi ushin".
anniversary medals: "the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan 10 years", " 10 years of independent the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
He is married, has children and grandchildren.
Born in 1909 in Ereimentau district of Akmola region.He started his career in 1932 as a driver, then worked as a mechanic.
In the period from 1936 to 1941 he held positions of chief of staff of the land Committee of the Karaganda region, head of regional health Department. The army was drafted in July 1941. Was fighting way in the composition of the 30th guards mechanized division of special purpose named Kutuzov in the composition of the second Ukrainian front under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Malinovsky, K. Zhakenovich first commanded a platoon, then a regiment of scouts.
The Kabysh Zhakenovich participated in the battles of Stalingrad , in the liberation of Romania, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia and the defeat of the Nazis in the den of Berlin – the Reichstag. Fighting the way he graduated at the meeting with the allied troops on the Elbe. Upon returning to his native land, took part in the liquidation of the Vlasov on the border with Poland.
Gacanov Kabysh – old resident of Saran city. More than thirty years he headed carpool combine "Karagandaugol".
Awarded order of the red Star and medals for the liberation of Vienna, Prague and Berlin.
Labor activity of Kabysh Zhakenovich awarded the order of badge of Honor and medals.
Born in 1920, in the Karaganda region. After ten classes evening Komsomol school, Mashrab Isenovic enrolled in courses mountain masters, he worked as a mechanic at the 12th mine of trust "Kiropol". The war caught him at Stalingrad, where he underwent military service. Mashrab Isenovic became part of the legendary battles at Stalingrad and Kursk.
In these battles, he received two severe wounds. At Stalingrad, a shell fragment broke his tibia in his left leg. After treatment in hospital he was about to go order one of the rifle battalions 270th division for the position of battalion commander, the political instructor. One day he saw an elderly woman planting potatoes , and there was no one to help her. Lieutenant Isenov took with him two soldiers, and before sundown they planted the entire garden. The old woman seemed to come to life : "If his sons have seen", she said to his assistants. The next morning, Mashrab, went to the front. Then there was the battle of Kursk and a severe wound in the chest. In the hospital he found the same old woman. For the sake of this meeting, she walked 100 kilometers on foot to support Mashrab in a paternal manner, to treat him with modest home-made meals. Years later, Mashrab Isenovic remembers this episode as the happiest moment during the war.
After being wounded at Kursk Mashrab Isenov was recognized as unfit for further military
service. Demobilized. In 1944 he returned home. Despite the consequences of injuries, returned to the profession of a miner. In 1956 he was appointed party Secretary of the mine "Saranskaya" and moved to Saran.
Isenov Mashrab Isenovic awarded the order of red Star, order of the Patriotic war II degree, medals "For defense of Stalingrad", "For participation in the battle of Kursk".
Was born December 27, 1922 in the village of Zapak Akmola district of the Akmola region.
In 1938 he graduated from the seven-year period. The war started in the first cavalry regiment as a mortar man. For six months he trained , and on March 20, 1942 was sent to the Ukrainian front. As soon as the regiment arrived at the station Lozova, the bombing started. Had to retreat. A week later, the regiment was disbanded. After that, Karabay Carpikov came in 18th division under the command of Marshal Timoshenko. "Then receding, then moving forward, we were moving in the direction of Warsaw, recalls Djumanovich Karabay - may 6 1945 went to Prague and during the bloody battles freed the city."
After Winning the division decided to send to Japan, but the road turned in the direction of Leningrad. There, on Searscom plant, determined to guard the prisoners.
In 1946, Karabay Carpikov was discharged and arrived in Karaganda, where he worked for many years in the coal industry. Karabay Djumanovich has high honors: order of the Patriotic war I degree, a medal of Marshal Zhukov, medal "Veteran of war".
Kuzhanov Zhangali TATTIGALYEVICH from 1942 to 1945 he was at the front.
As part of a company of scouts was fighting way from Rzhev to Konigsberg in the ranks of 153 of the th red banner order of Kutuzov 2 nd degree Smolensk infantry division. He was wounded several times. For courage and bravery in the battles for liberation of Belarus, the Polish city of Augustow Sergeant Kuzhanov Jangali was awarded the orders of red star, the Glory of the THIRD degree, Patriotic war, honorary sign of military valour "Great scout" medal "Our cause is just, we will win."
After being wounded in December 1944 near the town of Grajewo in East Prussia, Jangali of kuzanov long months spent in hospitals.Amputation of the left leg , long-term treatment in a hospital in g. Gorkom. Here Zh. Kuzhanov met the Victory day may 9, 1945.
1961 moved to Saran. For many years he worked in the financial bodies.
The decision of the XIII session of the city maslikhat Saransk in 1996 Kuzhanova Zhangali awarded the title Polnogo citizen of the city of Saran.
Born September 21, 1926 in the village of Klinovka Kaganovichsky district of the Amur region. Before the war he worked as a recordkeeper in the field brigade on the collective farm "New Way" near Petropavlovsk. In 1943, Aleksey Dmitrievich was drafted into the Warmia, the sergeant's staff fought on the First Ukrainian Front, the Cavalry Regiment was an assistant to the platoon commander. AD Lysyak was a participant in the Korsun-Shevchenkivka military operation, participated in the release of prisoners of war from the camp near the town of Slavuta.
In March 1944, was wounded, was sent to a hospital in the city of Dubrovka in the Baranovskiy district of the Zhytomyr region. After the hospital Alexei Dmitrievich was in the health battalion, where he met the long-awaited victory. I did not return home at once. Until 1949 he served in the city of Koenigsberg.
In 1956 he came to Saran, worked in the agricultural school as deputy director for political affairs, then - in the Saransk mines, at the plant RTI, on the basis of UMTS PA "Karagandaugol", where he went on a well deserved vacation.
The veteran remembers with warmth the years of his combat youth, because then fate gave him meetings with people like Vatutin, Zhukov Budyonny.
For military merits, Alexei Dmitrievich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, medals "For Courage", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" medal of Marshal Zhukov, anniversary medals of the Victory. Alexey Dmitrievich is a participant in the 2-jubilee Parades (to the 60th anniversary and 65th anniversary of the Victory) in the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana.