The state archive of the city of Saran was established on July 1, 1992 on the basis of the decision of the Head of the Saransk city administration.

By the decision of the Karaganda oblast akimat of December 11, 2012, No. 63/07, the State Archives of the City of Saran was renamed the State Archives of the City of Saran in the Department of Archives and the Document of the Karaganda Region.

By resolution of the akimat of the Karaganda region of September 23, 2013, No. 57/04, "On renaming state organizations that are in charge of the state institution" of the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Karaganda Region, in connection with the closure of the archive and documentation department of the Karaganda region, archive of the city of Saran »» management of culture, archives and documentation of Karaganda region.

Archival work occupies an important place in our life.      Time flows relentlessly, one generation replaces another, a record of important events, achievements, memories are stored in archival documents.      People's zhyrau - Bukhar Zhyrau Kalkamanuly have such lines:

"The old friend will not become an enemy,

There is a letter in the shirneush.

The old enemy will not become a people ... "

At Bukhar Zhyrau under the word "Shirneushe" there is an archive. In addition, the Kazakhs say "What is carved into stone will be kept for years". In other words, archives are a big place in preserving past and present history.

     The first countries that have preserved written sources are Egypt, China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. In these countries, this matter has been put on the state level from time immemorial. The opening of the first personal archive in Kazakhstan is connected with Bukey horda (18th century). The archival system in Kazakhstan (republican, sectoral , regional, etc.) was founded in the 20-30s of the 20th century. The national archive system was organized by cultural figures A. Baitursynov, S. Seifullin, M.Zholdybaev.

The archive system was part of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, since 1921 as a member of the Council of Ministers.

      Regional, district archives were subordinated to local administrations. The main areas of the archives are collection of funds, preservation of documents and study of the composition of the fund, systematization, compilation of scientific certificates and indicators, organization of the use and publication of documents. In the USSR, the archive was one of the ideological means of propaganda. The services of the archives of the Karaganda region occupy a significant place in the archival system of Kazakhstan.

In particular, the state archives of the city of Saran stores documents and invaluable data on the history of the whole region .... Objectively, it should be noted that since the birth of human civilization, one of the pressing problems is the issue of access and preservation of information. Of course, every day plays an important role in building history. From this point of view, archival business is an important value in every state. Attaching great importance to documents, we can not not confirm our words with archival documents.       In a word, during the last three centuries, the National Archive System of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established.

In 1991, the RK became an independent, independent state. With the transition to market relations, new production technologies emerged, associations, joint-stock companies, rental companies, other organizations, cooperatives, pooled funds, etc. were born. The issue of preserving archival documents was again on the agenda. Enterprises, although they were part of the history of this period, but for various reasons closed.   

Simonova Iraida Alekseevna - was born in Shadrinsk, Kurgan region, Russian.
Higher education. In 1974 she graduated from Shadrinsky Pedagogical State University with a degree in Teacher of Russian Language and Literature. Appointed in July 1992 as director of the Saransk State Archives.       She was awarded an honorary letter of the Committee for Management of Archives and Documentation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, three times with letters of thanks of the head of the regions to the department of archives and documentation. In 2008 she was dismissed.        

Mukanov Erkin Ukubasovich was born in the village of Dalba, Bayanaul region, Kazakh.   Higher education. In 2009 he was appointed to the post of director of the state archive of Saran, he worked till March 2012. Since April 2012 he has been retired.

Kulzhanbekov Aydin - was born in .. Saryterek Aktogay district of the Karaganda region, Kazakh. Higher education. In 2007 he graduated from the Kazakh - Russian University - documenting and document management support. Since January 2001 he worked as an archivist, since 2004 as deputy director of the Aktogay archive, since November 2010 he has been appointed deputy director of the archive of the city of Saran for translation, since April 2012 he has been appointed director.     Since April 2011, two archives have been created in the archive: - Department of the formation of the national archive fund for control over departments - Department of the provision of public services.

The activities of the recruitment department are aimed at monitoring the work of departmental archives, providing practical and methodological assistance in organizing office work and providing documents at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

      The scientific and technical processing of the documents being in the state storage is also carried out, and work is being carried out to train specialists in the organization of technology for conducting NTOs on their own.

The second unit is formed from archivists, who fulfill social and legal requirements.

As of 01/01/2017, the KSU "State Archives of the City of Saran" has 229 funds. In 229 funds - 113570 units of storage, of which 75 permanent storage funds -29752 units of storage and 151 funds for personnel -83622 units of storage, photo-fund - 49 units of storage, video fund -6 units, 2 funds of personal origin.

       In order to improve documentation in the offices of archivists in Saran, workshops are held, inspections on all aspects of working with documents, practical and methodical assistance is provided to institutions and enterprises.

The staff of the archive constantly publish articles in the city newspaper "Saran Gazeti", dedicated to the activities of the archive, anniversary dates.

They take an active part in the life of the city, solemn events and celebrations, competitions,
cleaning of territories to improve and sanitize the city.

  Today, all applications from citizens come to us from all corners of our Republic, from countries of near and far abroad, are registered in the "E-Akimat" system, here you can trace the results of queries already fulfilled. Currently, requests are received by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In addition, citizens can send their request through the virtual reception of the site "Archive Service of Saran."