The head of the Department of culture, archives and documentation of the Karaganda region E. Agymbaev, Director of archives and documentation of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Mustafina, Deputy Director of the archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Doctor of historical Sciences of Alimgazinov, opened the ceremony with the report archives.


The conference uchastovali head of the archive of Saran A. Kuliabko and head of the Department of government services O. S. Alexeev, acting head of Department of formation of the NAF control departments. M. N.Morgan and archivist of the highest category A. Z. Alibekova

Honorary certificate from the akim of Karaganda region was awarded archivist of the highest category of Saran A. Z. Ualibekova for the personal labor and creative contribution to the development of archival Affairs


Honorary diploma of management of culture, archives documentation of Karaganda region was awarded to the head of the Department of public services city of Saran and O. S. Alekseeva

The staff of the archive of the city of Saran