Anti-corruption code


A real anti-corruption standard is designed to prevent corruption in the activities of KGU " State archive of Saran city " and enhance zero tolerance for corruption among its employees.


1. The name of the sphere of public relations: archives


2. The name of the developer of the anti-corruption standard: KSU "State archive of Saran city"


3. Rules of conduct (action) of persons working in a separate sphere of public relations:


3.1 in the implementation of rights and legitimate interests of natural and legal persons in the area affected by the standard anti-corruption, civil servants, KSU "State archive of Saran city"


be guided by the principle of legality, ethics, demands of the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


to ensure the observance and protection of rights, freedoms and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities, to consider the manner and terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their treatment, and to take the necessary measures;


not to disclose received at execution of office the data concerning private life, honor and dignity of citizens, and not require them to provide such information, except for the cases stipulated by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


in writing to notify supervisor or management of the organization in which he works, of the conflict of interests or about possibility of its occurrence, as soon as they become aware of it;


to take appropriate measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest;


bring immediately to the attention of management and (or) law-enforcement agencies on which they became aware of cases of corruption offenses;


to prevent the abuse of power, discrimination and unwarranted bureaucracy and red tape in the implementation of official activities, as well as manifestations of coarseness and bias;


not use their official powers and related opportunities for personal property and non-property benefit;


to act against actions that are detrimental to the interests of the state interfering or reducing the efficiency of functioning of bodies of local state administration and self-government;


to make every effort to highly professional work, apply optimal, economical and other competent solutions to set tasks;


to ensure the transparency of decision-making affecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;


in the exercise of official powers to be impartial and independent from political parties, public and religious associations;


in cases of establishing the incompatibility in the normative legal acts and the discrepancies, immediately bring to the attention of an appropriate authorized body razrabotany this normative-legal act;


exercise state control and supervision in accordance with the legislation of the RK.


3.2. in the preparation and adoption of other decisions in the framework of its competence:


non-admission of conflict of interest, and when they occur to take corrective action in accordance with the law;


in the implementation of control measures and other actions, involving the decision, to consider the issues objectively to make decisions solely in accordance with the law.


when making decisions within the competence of the civil servant not to take any material goods, services and other privileges related to the performance of their lawful duties;


exercise the powers within their rights and in accordance with the official duties;


to observe confidentiality and to provide official or commercial secret according to the rendered state services;


not to give preference to physical persons and legal entities, to be independent from their influence in the performance of official duties;


strictly observe labor discipline, effectively dispose the granted powers; faithfully, impartially and efficiently perform their duties; to use rationally work time;


3.3. when making the proposal for the draft regulatory legal acts:


to carry out legal monitoring of regulatory legal acts to identify, contrary to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan corruption-rule of law, causes and conditions conducive to Commission of corruption offences (corruption risks) in sectoral legislation;


to develop normative legal acts, in the terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


take into account the proposals of state and other agencies and organizations to improve the existing sectoral legislation;


send draft regulatory legal acts affecting the interests of citizens concerning their rights, freedoms and responsibilities for consideration of public Council;


when making proposals for the preparation of normative legal acts strictly adhere to the norms of the law of 6 April 2016 No. 480-V SAM "On legal acts";


to prevent the adoption of normative legal acts with the purpose of deriving benefits for themselves or third parties;


should be addressed to an indefinite circle of persons or individually defined persons;


3.4. other relations that arise depending on the nature of life:


to resist actions that are detrimental to the interests of the state interfering or reducing the efficiency of functioning of state bodies;


to prevent the occurrence of misconduct and other offences for which the law envisages disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.


observe business etiquette and rules of official behavior.


to stop or to take other measures to prevent violations of norms of office ethics from other civil servants;


refrain from discussing personal and professional qualities of colleagues, discrediting their honor and dignity in the team;


in the process of execution of instructions of managers to provide objective and reliable information;



4. Additional restrictions and prohibitions:


to carry out activities that are not compatible with the execution of the state functions;


to engage in entrepreneurial activities, including to participate in the management of a commercial organization, regardless of its legal form, if directly involved in the management of a commercial organization is not part of his official powers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;


to engage in other paid activity, except pedagogical, scientific and other creative activities; to be a Deputy of a representative body, the representative on Affairs of the third parties in the state body in which he is in the service, either directly subordinate or controlled by him;


to use in not office purposes of means material, financial and informational support of his performance, other state property and service information;


to participate in actions that impede the normal functioning of public authority and performance of official duties, including strikes;


tolerate its violations of the legislative requirements associated with the infringement of public morality, order and security, and not to involve other citizens in illegal, anti-social actions;


to use his official position and related opportunities in the interest of public and religious associations, other noncommercial organizations, including for the promotion of their attitude towards him;


to obtain any kind of gift, gratuity, services, loans, payment for entertainment, travel expenses, mobile expenses, and other compensation awarded to the worker as a reward to both legal and natural persons for acts related to his employment;


Joint service (work) with close relatives, spouses and in-laws;


The use of official and other information not subject to official distribution, in order to obtain or extract pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits and advantages;


If a government employee has information about a corruption offense, it shall take the necessary measures to prevent and stop such infringement, including immediately in writing to inform superiors, the leadership of the public authority in which he works, the competent state authorities. Public servant is also obliged to immediately in writing inform the said persons and bodies about cases of inducement of other persons for committing corruption offences.