KSU "State archives of the city saran"
Official site

E-Mail: archivsaran@mail.ru
Тел: 8 (7213) 73-12-43

On April 12, 2022, according to the work plan of the KSU" state archive of Saran", deputy prosecut ...
On February 09, 2021, a training session on the organization of work with the "E –Akimat" database ...
CSU "Staatsarchiv der Stadt Sarani" führt Empfang von Dokumenten der persönlichen Herkunft. Im Archi ...
We would like to inform you that this year the service "self-service corner" has been launched for a ...
04 February 2020 in accordance with media plan of the municipal state institution " State archive of ...
      Head of the state archive of Sarani state University A. Kulzhanbekov took part in the Republic ...
On September 12, 2019, the head of the state archive of Sarani Kulzhanbekov A. took part in an event ...
Head of the municipal institution "State archive of the city of Saran» On October 01, 2019, A. Kulzh ...
On December 12, 2019, an event dedicated to the Independence Day will be held in the Sarani cultural ...
On November 06, 2019," fire safety Agency " LLP conducted an instruction to the archive team. In the ...
On September 25, 2019, a round table was held for employees in the Sarani Department of the NAO St ...
FaLang translation system by Faboba