Born in 1934 in the village Gamesuper February 23, Ruzaevsky area Kokchetav region in the family of rural workers. Parents engaged in different work in the collective farm named after the 15th anniversary of Kazakhstan.

He was brought up along with six young sisters and brothers with a 75 - year - old grandfather.

He received primary education in a collective farm school, secondary education in a boarding school.

In 1953 he enrolled in the Karaganda mining Institute now Polytechnic Institute, from which he graduated in 1958 with a degree in mining engineering.

The direction worked in the coal mine "19th basic" trust "Lingual". In 1960 the order of the combine "Karaganda ugol" was transferred to mine No. 101, in consequence mine "Sokolska", as a automation engineer, where he worked as a mechanic of the area, Deputy chief engineer, Chairman of the trade Union Committee of mine.

In 1973 he was elected Vice-President of the Executive Committee of Saran city Council of deputies. He was repeatedly elected Deputy of the
Council of people's deputies.

In this position he worked for 17 years and in 1991 moved to the mine "Sokolska" as assistant Director of the mine.

In 1996 he was transferred to the adviser of mayor of Saran city. In 1999, elected Deputy of the city maslikhat Saransk at the first session of Secretary of the city maslikhat.

In 2003, the newly elected Deputy Secretary of the city maslikhat of the third convocation.

Awarded the order "badge of honor", "miner's glory" 1 and 2 degrees, the medal "For labor", "Veteran of labour", Honorary diplomas of the ministries and departments.

For valiant labor medal "Eren enbegi ushin".

anniversary medals: "the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan 10 years", " 10 years of independent the Republic of Kazakhstan", "10 years of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

He is married, has children and grandchildren.