In 2018, a public discussion of the report on activities in the field of public services "issuing archival certificates" was held for 9 months of this year. citizens of Sarani were invited to the report, and an announcement was made in the Sarani newspaper. The event was also attended by employees of the Sarani Department of the Department of the state corporation "government for citizens" and the Nur Otan branch-the public service center. head of the Department for the provision of public services O. S. Alekseeva reported to all participants: one of the main activities of the KSU "state archive of Sarani" is the provision of public services "issuance of archival certificates", in the current period all services were performed within the established time frame.

There were no complaints from citizens about the provision of services. The topic of requests made by state archives includes issues of civil status, confirmation of work experience, including preferential ones, and the amount of wages. The steady increase in requests for the provision of public services" issuance of archival certificates " is due to an increase in the volume of documents on personnel received for storage in the archive from liquidated and reorganized organizations and enterprises.

"As a result of the interaction of the branch of NAO" "state corporation "" government for citizens ""with the management of the department, as well as the implementation of measures to inform the population about the procedure for the provision of public services, including on an alternative basis, the number of services rendered through NAO ""state corporation ""government for citizens "" and Pep allowed to increase, for example, in comparison with 2017, requests received through Pep are more than 100 certificates." Head of the Sarani city archive A. Kulzhanbekov explained that the purpose of the event is to discuss issues of improving the quality of public services.

In order to prevent corruption offenses, improve the quality and increase the share of public services on an alternative basis, 7 events were held for 9 months. Further, within the framework of the event, the participants exchanged views on problematic issues arising in the process of obtaining archival certificates.